

Integrated Fingerprint Reader

Integrated Fingerprint Reader
  • FlexTouch has the capability to integrate a fingerprint reader sensor at the edge of the metal mesh sensor.
  • Both area and line sensors can be integrated.
  • FlexTouch’s metal mesh sensor also allows a fingerprint reader to be placed on the display and within the touch sensor active area.
Address(China): #908 East Huanhe Rd., Wuzhen, Jiaxing, Zhejiang
Address(ShenZhen): 720, Block C, China Resources Land Tower, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Address(Taipei):5F, No. 663, Bannan Road., Chungho Dist., New Taipei City
Address(USA): 160 E. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134, USA
Address(Korea): #2908,U-Tower,120,Heungdeokjungang-ro,Giheung-gu,Yongin-si,Gyeonggi-do,FlexTouch
Tel: 0573-88722828